
No, We’re Not Getting Up At 6 AM To Find Out

We’ve had a lot of TV-related items on the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) the past couple of days, so here’s some radio stuff of minor note:

* As this is being written, we’re about four and a half hours away from the supposed return of CBS Radio syndicated morning host David Lee Roth, after a one-week vacation that came earlier than anyone who knows radio would have expected.

Though Roth is still missing from Cleveland CBS affiliate WNCX/98.5’s website, aside from the “Contact Us” page, OMW did see a couple of WNCX’s “The Wisdom of David Lee Roth” TV ads during tonight’s Oscar telecast on ABC (in local breaks on WEWS/5). We haven’t watched a LOT of TV in the past week, but we don’t recall seeing the ads otherwise during the past few days.

Does that mean Roth’s back, “tanned, rested and ready”? We haven’t heard anything about him being out yet, aside from the AllAccess Friday item about his “future being decided”. Maybe CBS and its DLR affiliates are going to give Diamond Dave a full book to fall on his face? It’s very unusual for a radio station to dump someone based on one single month in a three-month trend, no matter how bad that month is. (And Roth’s was bad. Not to mention Cleveland’s former-own Morning Doggie, Shane “Rover” French, and his first Chicago ratings trend month.)

Dumping DLR starting later this morning would very nearly rank as radio’s version of ABC-TV yanking the poorly received concept comedy show “Turn-On” in the late-60’s. That show lasted all of one episode. (Read more about it at this Wikipedia entry.) Former Cleveland TV personality Tim Conway was a part of that program…fortunately for Tim, he gained much greater fame with the much, much better “Carol Burnett Show” in the 70’s.

Unlike that show, at least David Lee Roth wasn’t pulled in some markets in the middle of his first program…

* When you’re ready to put fingers to keyboard to write a job listing, you might try a little “honesty”. Well, that’s maybe what CHR WZKL/92.5 Alliance/Canton (“Q92”) program director John Stewart has in mind in the job description…in a listing for a new co-host/sidekick for morning driver DeLuca. Here’s the ad seen in AllAccess recently:


Can you do the News with audio cuts and current events?

Do you have a good sense of humor?

Can you put our host in his place?

The pay sucks and the hours are intollerable, so send me a resume and MP3. You’ll need to know who’s on American Idol, the Apprentice and what the latest Kanye West hit is. No need to overnight it, not in a hurry, just want the RIGHT person for the gig.

393 Smyth Ave NE
Alliance, OH 44601

or email johnstewartradio (at) AOL (dot) com


We’ll save you some spammage, John, and modify your E-Mail address. Stewart’s also looking for the permanent nighttime replacement for DeLuca, in a separate ad: “LAST CALL FOR NIGHTS – If you play phoners instead of sweepers. Do parody songs, funny bits, and memorable contests. This is your last call to entertain Canton, Akron and Youngstown. We rounded up the usual suspects and will be finalizing soon.”

But really, is anyone in Akron “entertained” by Q92 personalities? The station basically has little presence up here, and much of Akron has an easier time getting first-adjacent CBS alt-rocker WXRK/92.3 “K-Rock” Cleveland Heights. We can’t speak for Youngstown, though…

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