
UPDATE: Indians’ Over-Air Rights In Youngstown and Lima

As first reported here on OMW, the Associated Press reports today that FOX affiliate WYFX “FOX 17/62” will be the Youngstown TV market’s affiliate for over-air Cleveland Indians TV games this season. “FOX 17/62” is the low-power combo of WYFX-LP 62 Youngstown/WFXI-CA 17 Mercer PA, sister of Piedmont Television’s CBS affiliate WKBN/27.

The AP also notes that NBC affiliate WLIO/35 will be the Lima outlet for those 20 over-air Indians games originating at WKYC/3 in Cleveland.

It once again states that there isn’t any news on STO’s effort to secure more cable and satellite providers for the games. In addition to flagship cable outlet Time Warner Cable and city-owned Wadsworth Cable, tiny cable system TSC in Auglaize County is the only other multi-channel provider agreeing to carry the new Indians-owned network. You know you’re not doing well in negotiations if the 3,700 subscriber Wadsworth city system is your second biggest signup.

Meanwhile, there’s nothing new out of the other major MSOs in Northern Ohio – Comcast, Adelphia or Cox. Or, for that matter, no word of a deal with smaller services like Massillon Cable/Clear Picture. Or Armstrong Cable in Medina or Youngstown. Or…you get the idea. We’re half expecting the next STO announcement to involve an in-house apartment complex cable system. (“SportsTime Ohio signs up Garden Brook Apartments for multi-year deal!”)

Cleveland Plain Dealer sports media columnist Roger Brown weighs in again in his Sunday effort…noting that sources say DirecTV is one of the providers balking at SportsTime Ohio’s rates. At least one other report claimed that DirecTV was actually close to making a deal with STO, so who knows?

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