
Well, We Thought It Was Broken

In the item immediately below this one, we noticed that Clear Channel talk WTAM/1100 Cleveland’s website schedule looked a bit odd…with a collision between the weekday schedule and weekend schedule.

As it turns out, the fault lies not with WTAM, but with how the schedule looks in the Firefox browser, at least version 1.5 on our Windows XP equipped PC. Here’s what it looks like in that configuration, with the schedule starting at Saturday morning and being “rudely interrupted” (as we jokingly called it) by the weekday schedule:

It turns out the schedule appears as WTAM intended…if you’re using Internet Explorer on a Windows XP computer.

We’re not sure what web coding is throwing Firefox for a loop, but the alternative browser now has over a 10 percent share of the market… so we certainly aren’t alone in seeing that. And we think it’d probably be a good idea for WTAM’s web folks to look at the schedule in Firefox – after it’s edited to remove a certain liberal radio/trash TV talk show host…

Anyway, our apologies to the normally-on-top-of-it staff at WTAM. We’ve edited the item below to remove the “error” reference, since we cover the problem fully in this entry.

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