
Some Tinkering

Some visitors earlier this evening may notice that we tried out a new Blogspot template for OMW for a while.

We got one response, unfavorable, and we’re tending to agree…it just wasn’t working. One problem in our eyes – with very few items to each side, the text of the blog itself had margins that were far too narrow.

For the nonce, then, we’re back to the old design. We’ve done some tinkering, and we think we’re back to the way we used to be.

One side effect of all the tinkering…if you’re reading OMW on a mobile device such as a Pocket PC PDA, the text will not be pushed to the middle any more, with wasted white space on the left hand side. We noticed this while we were on the road, and it was one reason we went into the template settings tonight. A quick check with the iPaq’s built-in Pocket Internet Explorer shows a perfect OMW…

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