
WTAM’s Other New Local Talk Show

We’d mentioned it in passing in another item, but it appears Clear Channel Cleveland rock WMMS/100.7 afternoon driver Maxwell has picked up a regular Saturday evening talk show on sister talk WTAM/1100.

Tonight’s program is our first encounter with the show. We won’t review it here, but will just say that right now, Maxwell is talking about…um…how long people wear the same underwear.

You just can’t make stuff like that up. Trust us, we aren’t. Apparently, it’s a topic he brought up on his WMMS show earlier in the week…

The Saturday evening time slot has mostly been occupied in recent months by Cavaliers games, or by a replay of Premiere’s “The Weekend with Mike McConnell”. Back a ways, as we’re sure readers will remind us, the weekend evenings were occupied by now-former host Rick Gilmour…who was supposed to come back this past week to do two shows in the station’s mid-morning time slot. That plan was scuttled when WTAM quickly hired Bob Frantz to take the slot on a permanent basis…

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