
Regular OMW readers have read of impending changes at Cleveland’s FOX owned-and-operated WJW/8 and other FOX O&O’s across the country. Here’s another one, once again with the heads up to Dave Hughes’ DCRTV.

FOX is apparently rebranding its O&O websites, and has registered a number of domain names in the format of “myfox(city).com”. Sure enough, they’ve registered “”, according to a WHOIS lookup:

“Registrant: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (DOM-1472842) 10201 W. Pico Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90035 US Domain Name:”

The registration goes back to October 2005. At this writing, it does not even forward to the current FOX 8 website (

Of course, FOX’s new mini-network is called My Network TV, so the company at very least has an attachment to the “My” moniker. But the MNTV affiliate-to-be here, WUAB/43, is not owned by the network.

If FOX is planning to rename the FOX O&O station websites in this manner, it’s our guess that they’re more likely doing so to link the My Network TV affiliates and the FOX brand in markets where they own both stations…which doesn’t apply in Cleveland. But the greater link still appears to be with the local stations and the popular FOX News Channel cable network…

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