
A Public Service to WNIR Talk Show Hosts

When Media-Com Akron market talker WNIR/100.1 switched from CBS Radio News to ABC News Radio’s Information network last year, we wonder if ABC was aware that WNIR talk show hosts get to the top-of-the-hour network newscast when they’re good and ready. And they’ve been doing so…for years.

After hearing WNIR afternoon driver Bob Golic join an ABC newscast nearly 40 seconds late the other day, we decided we needed to provide WNIR with some help.

Here ya go, Broadcast Park…a free link courtesy of your friends at OMW:

The official U.S. time – clock

On any Internet-connected computer, this website provides the exact, U.S. government atomic-powered clock time…accurate to within two tenths of a second. We’ve even given the link to the Java-powered clock for the Eastern time zone.

Since we know that WNIR’s in-studio computers are “powered by RoadRunner” cable modem service, the station now officially has no excuse for missing the start of the ABC top-of-the-hour newscast…

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