
Julie Talks With O&A

Plain Dealer radio/TV writer Julie Washington checks in – via phone from New York – with newly-reinstalled CBS Radio bad boy talkers Opie & Anthony…with an item that appears in today’s PD Entertainment Blog, and will presumably make print Friday or Saturday.

There’s not really much new in the item, which spends most of its time recapping recent events and the events which got the pair fired from then-Infinity back in 2002.

It does have comments from Gregg “Opie” Hughes and Anthony Cumia about the show’s return to its old afternoon drive time slot on its former Cleveland affiliate, now known as alt-rock WXRK/92.3 “K-Rock”.

In case you’ve been under a rock, the pair’s return places them in morning drive in every market except Cleveland, filling the slot once owned by Howard Stern in six other cities. For its part in that time slot, CBS Radio classic rocker and former Stern affiliate WNCX/98.5 is still scouring the country for anyone who may once have even cleaned the floors at WMMS/100.7.

Anthony offers the show’s former ratings success on then-“Xtreme Radio” WXTM, telling Washington “it works well in either day part”, morning or afternoon drive. Opie adds that the pair is “excited” to be back on in Cleveland…

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