
Going Away (Updated)

Ohio Media Watch is on hiatus, for now.

We appreciate the E-Mails, calls and other support received after we first posted this message earlier today.

This update is just to let you know that yes, we’re OK, and there’s nothing untoward going on in the life of your Primary Editoral Voice(tm) or any members of the Vast OMW Editorial Staff. We just have to attend to some things away from the MBoF(tm).

(Note to the humor impaired: Please go find someone to help you with our running jokes.)

We don’t know how long our hiatus will last, though it’s at very least likely to run through early next week. Keep checking here for our announced return.

In the meantime, if we receive word of any major breaking local radio news, we’ll immediately pass it along to our good friend Perry Michael Simon at AllAccess. If you haven’t signed up for AllAccess by now, you should! It is free, and chock full of radio news.

And thank you again for reading OMW.

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