
NFL Network: Only Partly Back?

OMW is hearing from some former Comcast subscribers that Time Warner Cable has NOT yet returned NFL Network to that part of their new service area.

One commenter says instead of the network, local ex-Comcast folks are seeing a notice on the former NFL Network channels that the league-owned channel will be pulled on September 3rd. That would seem odd, since it has apparently not yet been RETURNED for those subscribers.

As OMW reported earlier, Time Warner has returned NFL Network to digital channel 178 and HDTV channel 778 for its subscribers who are on the former Adelphia system in the Cleveland area.

It’s also supposed to be running a crawl notifying subscribers that the NFL Network will be pulled in early September, but we haven’t yet seen that crawl.

Is there an explanation for both? Maybe it’s all technical, regarding equipment they either have taken out of service or don’t have yet.

The now-former Adelphia system serves the bulk of greater Cleveland, and the now-former Comcast system serves areas like Elyria, Mentor and other Cleveland suburbs near both of those communities…

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