
We Found That Time Warner NFL Network Notice

Various published reports late this week said Time Warner Cable was putting up a crawl on the NFL Network advising of its possible re-removal…after returning the channel to systems that once carried it, but were swallowed up by TWC this week.

We kept watching the NFL Network on the now-former Adelphia/Cleveland system, waiting for the TWC crawl.

But we only saw this NFL Network plea to new TWC customers, urging them to call 866-NFL-NETWORK to register their support for the channel between now and September 3, when Time Warner will once again take the channel off their newly merged systems if an agreement is not reached.

We found Time Warner’s notification message – but not on the NFL Network channel, 178 (digital cable) or 778 (HDTV).

We found it…on digital channel 125, the spot formerly occupied by ESPNU. When TWC pulled the NFL Network after taking over the former Adelphia and Comcast systems locally early Tuesday, they also took off ESPNU.

We’re not experts, so we don’t know if this fulfill’s Time Warner’s “30 day notice” obligation…a graphic slate on a channel once occupied by something else, nowhere near the NFL Network channels.

But we’re sure TWC is using other methods to notify customers that the channel will go away unless TWC and the NFL get together on a new agreement.

OMW reported that earlier TWC’s former local Comcast folks report seeing only a message such as the one shown here, on the NFL Network channel, and they’re apparently still not seeing NFL Network itself in that part of the new TWC empire. Maybe they should try the old ESPNU channel…

In the OMW “Timing is Everything” Dept.: The NFL Network is originating much of its programming this week just down I-77 from Cleveland, due to Canton’s Hall of Fame Week…as you can see in this screen shot.

It’ll also rerun the first Cleveland Browns exhibition game next weekend, which gets carried locally on new Browns pre-season home WKYC/3.

But the Time Warner Cable branch serving the Canton area has never carried NFL Network…

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