
Two Late Week Items

Still waiting for those shoes to drop, and at least one of them may drop sooner than expected. But we can’t just sit here waiting for footwear to hit the floor:

MARATHON AND BRUCE: The sports talk radio website is holding its third-annual “Up All Night Marathon” over the weekend, in a fundraising effort.

The marathon starts Saturday at 5 PM and runs through Sunday at 1 PM. It benefits the Carol Morris Scholarship Fund at Bowling Green State University, a fund aimed at paying for the education of those going into the special education field.

A complete schedule is located here…as with last year, you’ll see a number of guests sprinkled into the mix, and an oddity – STC head honcho Paul Belfi plays an hour and a half of Rick Springfield music. (We didn’t know there WAS an hour and a half of Springfield’s music.)

But there’s an eyecatcher at the very end of the schedule, Sunday at 12 PM:

12:00 Noon: Interview with Bruce Drennan, host and program director about the 2006 baseball season

To walk around the elephant in the room gently, we don’t know if the interview was pre-recorded, or what Bruce’s current physical address is.

But it’s interesting that STC’s schedule for this marathon still lists him as host and program director.

The STC “bios” page still lists the former WKNR and WTAM sports talker as program director and host…so at very least, whenever Drennan is able to return to regular work talking about sports, he would seem assured of STC being by his side…

NOD TO A FRIEND: This is actually outside the OMW coverage area, though at least one of the two signals involved makes its way across the Ohio/Pennsylvania border…and the person involved was once program director for about a cup of coffee at a certain Canton market top 40 station.

But a congratulations to long-time Friend of OMW Clarke Ingram for his promotion at a pair of suburban Pittsburgh AM outlets. Clarke has been upped from program director to operations manager at Broadcast Communications oldies/talk outlets WKHB/620 Irwin PA and WKFB/770 Jeannette PA.

Clarke tells us that he’ll also keep his programming duties, and will continue to be heard on the stations spinning oldies tunes on weekends. During the week, the station mixes oldies with brokered talk programming.

We’re probably biased, knowing Clarke for so long, but oldies stations would do well to listen to how he presents the format on his stations. Taking a cue from his entertaining, high-energy presentation would work well for a format that’s hanging onto its relevance in the fast-changing radio world…

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