
Clear Channel Upheaval – Not Much Here

We don’t have much to say about it, because – for one, we don’t know much about it…and we don’t think much changes here.

Clear Channel has undertaken a major reorganization of its regional management staff, which doesn’t appear to have had much effect in Northeast Ohio.

According to reports on AllAccess and Radio & Records Online, the company’s Cleveland management structure remains as it is, with Cleveland-based market manager Mike Kenney keeping that role at Oak Tree, and VP/Programming Gene Romano also continuing in that role in this part of the Clear Channel universe…overseeing Cleveland cluster programmer Kevin Metheny and individual station programmers.

If we missed anything, we’ll let you know. For one, we don’t know how all this affects the company’s clusters outside of Cleveland… but for now, things appear status quo in this part of the world of CC…

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