
Late Weekend Potpourri

Just some stuff that’s been going around, or in at least one case, just happening:

TO SEE (C?) CINCW: An update to our earlier item about the negotiations to put the new Cincinnati market CW affiliate on Time Warner Cable, the market’s dominant cable operator.

In an website item today, the Cincinnati Enquirer’s John Kiesewetter reports that there is indeed an agreement between Clear Channel CBS affiliate WKRC/12 and Time Warner Cable, reached very late Saturday night, and “CinCW” will air – somewhere – on the TWC systems in Cincinnati. WKRC operates – or will operate – CinCW on a subchannel of its main digital signal.

What’s not clear at this point is where the new channel will show up on the TWC systems, and when…if it’ll be in time for the network’s launch tomorrow. There’s no new information on the WKRC website in the section devoted to the new channel, or elsewhere that we can see.

While we’re talking CW – there’s no sign at the OMW World Headquarters of WBNX/55’s digital signal tonight, as the soon-to-be CW affiliate prepares to meet its new network. WBNX and other outgoing WB affiliates aired a five hour block looking back at the expiring network tonight.

But someone reminds us that the neon WB logo and the neon Michigan J. Frog likeness are still alive, and lit, on the side of WBNX’s studio facility on State Road in Cuyahoga Falls. Then again, The WB dumped the Frog some time ago…

CC LIMA SWAPS: It’s kind of hard for us to keep up with Lima, so we filed this in the “back of our head” file until someone graciously reminded us of the AllAccess report earlier this past week.

In what has to be the PD Format Switch of the Month, Clear Channel Lima top 40 WLWD/93.9 “Wild 93-9” program director/PM driver Aaron Matthews takes the PD chair at sister talk WIMA/1150. (We’re guessing that “Wild” and “News/Talk 1150” don’t share a lot of P1s.)

WIMA PD Dave Woodward moves over to become the cluster production director, and Russ Ryder – just in from the company’s sister stations in Defiance – moves up from nights to program “Wild”.

And if you haven’t worn out your scorecards yet, an entity known only as “PT Q” finishes up the shuffle, taking over Ryder’s nighttime slot on WLWD…

NOD TO AN ANNIVERSARY: And an OMW Tip of the Hat to Marietta AM radio institution WMOA/1490, which celebrated its 60th anniversary on the air on Friday.

Long-time Friend of OMW Clarke Ingram pointed us to this Marietta Times article on the anniversary, with the full service station airing a day of classic programming, interviews with key station personnel over the years, and even old-time radio commercials.

And when we say “full service”, we mean it. Though the station is tabbed as “adult contemporary” by industry listings, and the on-air personalities promise “less talk”, there’s a lot of information in the WMOA programming schedule

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