
Some More Quick Items

And some more stuff…

ESPN CLEVELAND WEBSITE: A regular OMW reader lets us know that the bare-bones “placeholder” page for the upcoming Cleveland ESPN Radio affiliate now has a logo.

And as expected, and as predicted here and elsewhere, the logo says: “Cleveland’s ESPN Radio – 1540 Days / 1300 Nights”, with a “Coming soon!” notation under it.

The logo is more interesting for what it does not say.

The local rumor mill has been rumbling with noises that WABQ/1540 owner Craig Karmazin was going to pull off a swap with Radio One, ending up – as the rumors go – with WERE/1300 for his 24/7 “ESPN Cleveland” outlet.

Either this has not happened yet, or is not in the cards for the station’s upcoming launch (if at all), judging from the logo. Stay tuned…

IT’S NOT A DEBATE, IS IT?: We’ve heard the promos on WTAM/1100 the past couple of days, and just got another reminder.

Days after gubernatorial candidates Ted Strickland and Ken Blackwell showed up for a debate on Cleveland ABC affiliate WEWS/5, the other “big race” gets the spotlight on WTAM on Friday.

It’ll be Senator Mike DeWine on the air with his challenger, Rep. Sherrod Brown, from 3:30 to 5 PM on the station’s Mike Trivisonno show.

And yes, Triv will “moderate” this “non-debate”, says the station…which calls it a “question and answer session” with the two candidates, with listener questions E-Mailed into the station being posed to the candidates:

“I want this to be an open, accurate, unscripted view of both candidates,” said Mike Trivisonno. He continued, “The commercials we see and hear have the candidates tearing each other apart on a regular basis, the public does not know what to believe. In my studio they will play by Trivisonno rules and the questions of the public will be addressed.”

The WTAM press release does not mention “eating in the studio” among those rules. (Sorry, it was just SITTING THERE!)

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