
Carl Monday’s Wild Ride

WKYC/3 investigative reporter Carl Monday has apparently come to terms with his newfound worldwide Internet fame, a fame that was only set on fire this week by a story on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart”.

“Daily Show” reporter Jason Jones caught up with Monday a couple of weeks ago – to do a piece on Monday’s now world-famous story on the man he found getting a little too much into what he was viewing on a Berea library computer.

Monday talked about the encounter on his blog, and WKYC has helpfully provided a full unedited video clip of Jones’ interview with the station’s investigative reporting star in Channel 3’s parking lot.

Give him credit for this: Monday’s taking this in stride.

In the interview, Monday says that his job as an investigative reporter is to “expose the truth”…but quickly quips that maybe he shouldn’t have used that word. Despite a bit of grumbling about the whole thing, he seems to “get” the ribbing from the Comedy Central show, and has a little fun with Jones as well.

In his blog, Monday writes:

The “reporter” asked rediculous questions..and wasted no time regressing to comments about the “library story.” You can guess where the “interview” went from there.

Don’t now if I’ll be laughing..but with all the bad news we deliver each day..i suppose we could all use some comic relief.

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