
Another Debate, Triv Style

We’re not sure what it says about the state of radio, that WTAM/1100 afternoon drive host Mike Trivisonno is about to be the ringmaster for another big political showdown…but…here it is.

Triv will hold another “Non-Debate Debate” on his show this Friday…this one featuring Ohio gubernatorial candidates Ted Strickland and Ken Blackwell. It’ll air from 3:30 to 5 PM

Like the show’s previous event spotlighting the U.S. Senate race between Mike DeWine and Sherrod Brown…it’ll be different, says a WTAM release:

This is not an official sanctioned debate for both candidates. It is a question and answer session for listeners with the candidates. Multiple questions have already been e-mailed directly to the Trivisonno Show.

We don’t listen to Triv nearly as much as we used to, but we seem to recall the show has poked fun at Strickland for initially refusing its invitations to this event. Either way, or some way, it ought to be interesting to see how the candidate handles that flack in person…

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