
Our Latest Newspaper Article

At this rate, we ought to call up Copley Newspapers and ask what the health benefits are like.

The Dover/New Philadelphia Times-Reporter doesn’t have us on staff, but it would sure seem like it after the latest article about the move of the station currently known as WJER-FM.

The article is based entirely upon our most recent entry, just below, which linked pictures of the construction going on at the site that will house the tower, equipment and antennas for both Cumulus rock WRQK/106.9 Canton (your guess as to when it’ll be taken over by Clear Channel is as good as ours at this point), and incoming Clear Channel station 101.7 FM, that aforementioned current WJER-FM.

OK, so we’re still flattered by the attention. But after this, we have to make one thing clear.

We have not initiated either of the recent articles on the WJER-FM move, or for that matter, anything the T-R has published off of items originally posted on this site.

In fact, to this date, we’ve had NO direct contact with anyone at the newspaper, including via telephone, fax, E-Mail, in person or any other way we’re forgetting to mention. They’re readers here, just like you, and apparently feel we’re a “solid” enough source…well, despite the fact that they have no idea who “we” are.

We’re proud to say that we are generally considered a reputable online publication by most of the Northeast Ohio broadcast industry, and beyond.

However, we are…well…just a blog. And the newspapers which quote us extensively…well, we’ve never talked to them.

And it kind of puzzles us that we – such as we are – have become a respected enough “first source” for a local daily newspaper to use without any further reporting on its own part. It’s not something we’re used to seeing in journalism.

But overall, we don’t mind. If the folks at the Times-Reporter wish to continue using our material here, that’s fine with us. But we just thought we’d clear the air a little…

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