
Some TV Quickies

The first is something that’s already happening…the other is one that’s likely to happen soon…

IN PLACE: WEWS/5 “NewsChannel 5″‘s lineup for “Good Morning Cleveland” is finally in place, as new co-host Kimberly Gill joins Paul Kiska this week, along with Jack “Air” Marschall, Susanne Horgan and Tricia Skidmore.

Gill has been doing some field reporting since she arrived in Cleveland.

The show’s lineup has been in what seemed like permanent flux after the departure of personalities like Adam Shapiro.

The station must feel confident the lineup will last, or hope it will – Channel 5 has been running a number of promos for the new “GMC” team during the day.

Of course, there will be a little temporary shakeup again on the show not that long from now, when Ms. Horgan goes on maternity leave…

ON THE WAY?: OMW hears that a local TV personality who left Cleveland for another job is on their way back to town, and will land at a different station than their original local home base.

We aren’t putting names and stations out there yet, though you’re welcome to speculate. We have heard which person and which station, but we haven’t nailed down the information enough to report more than just general rumblings…

AND WELCOME NEW READERS: Our item late last week about the exit of WOIO/19 “19 Action News” morning weathercaster Bruce Kalinowski was picked up by two very widely read online publications.

Both the industry newsletter “ShopTalk”, and the popular online TV newsroom gossip site “NewsBlues” ran our item.

That has brought some out of town visitors here, and we welcome them!

Like OMW is read by pretty much every local TV news type out there in Northeast Ohio, the two reports are read by just about every local TV newsie in the country…

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