
Happy Holidays

There is one news item here (stay tuned!), this is mostly a note to let readers know that we are officially taking a Holiday Hiatus.

Our news item is brief, and involves local TV.

DenisePolverineNEOMGDenise Polverine, long-time Editor in Chief/Director of Digital Operations for Ohio Media Group, is making the jump to broadcast TV.

Starting January 5th, she’ll be taking her talents to 13th and Lakeside, where she’ll be assistant news director at Gannett NBC affiliate WKYC/3.

Denise has been with for a long time, but is no stranger to broadcasting. From her now-gone bio on the Northeast Ohio Media Group site (thank you, Google cache):

Polverine has been with for nearly 17 years in the role of Editor-in-Chief, starting shortly after the company launched. Prior to her position, she worked as a television news and business reporter and anchor at Time Inc. New Media / NY1 in New York City as well as a news reporter on TV and radio in Cleveland.

As he says on his own LinkedIn bio, Brennan Donnellan is “currently news director for WKYC in Cleveland”.

There are rumors of other changes in local television in Cleveland, but we have yet to confirm them. (Hint!)

So, we’ll head out for the holidays, with any updates and catch-up on items we’ve missed, after January 1st.

Happy holidays to you in whatever form you celebrate them…


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