
The Mouse Is Silent, Here Comes The Rock

At Cleveland’s WWMK/1260, the “mouse” is silent, but the “rock” could take its place soon.

RadioDisneyLogoSometime in the past few days, the kiddie-pop music heard on AM 1260 went away, and the Radio Disney-owned station signed off the air.

Up next: OMW hears that the new occupant of the 1260 dial spot, St. Peter the Rock Media lay Catholic “AM 1260 The Rock”, could be heard as soon as Monday, May 4th.

AM1260TheRockLogoThat meshes with the current “coming soon” message on the “Rock” website (May 2015).

We have no word on what local programming will join the EWTN Radio satellite feed on AM 1260, or what role if any veteran Cleveland broadcaster Dick Russ will fill on the air. (If nothing else, he’d be a great station imaging voice…)

If you or your kids are hankering for Radio Disney, you’ll have to go online.

Back when the network was fully operational, Northeast Ohio listeners had no trouble getting it at night on New York City affiliate WQEW/1560…but that station is now that area’s home of Family Radio.

As far as “The Rock” goes, for a while, its website listed an address not far from iHeart Media’s Cleveland facility on Oak Tree Boulevard.

We believe the Ken Mar Parkway address up now is at or near the 1260 transmitter site in Broadview Heights…


  1. Michael P says

    I’ve been listening after sunset to all the other 1260’s on the air. I have not been able to identify what I’m hearing, there are several stations battling for dominance on my car radio as I travel through the southwest suburbs. Once the 5 Kw nighttime transmitter of the new station is back on these other stations will never be heard again in the area.

  2. Michael P says

    “The Rock” WCCR is on the air!

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