
More Details

As we wrap up our out of town excursion, we'll wrap up some loose ends from a newsy week, particularly for our friends in Central Ohio...SPORTSY: As it turns out, there's a good reason two Columbus radio stations flipped to a sports format within hours of each other this week.The Columbus Dispatch's Tim Feran quotes RadiOhio president/GM Dave Van Stone, who says research helped lead the move of the "Fan" sports format from its long-time home on WBNS/1460 to displace hot AC "Mix 97.1" at … [Read more...]


An Odd Wednesday

And considering the events of this week, "odd" may be an understatement.Yeah, we're tiring rather rapidly of listing those tossed aside from the Good Ship Radio this week. For the moment, we'll lead with something not related to job loss...THE ANALOG SHUFFLE: When local television stations figure out how they'll deal with cable systems and signal carriage, they have basically two choices.Broadcasters can either demand "retransmission consent", which means they get some consideration (monetary, … [Read more...]


Assorted Thursday

Welcome to our Thursday random scattering of items...we'll try to make sure none of the scatter hits our readers directly!We don't want to injure anyone...GANNETT FURLOUGH: Media giant Gannett is forcing workers to take an unpaid week off, a move the company says is meant to reduce layoffs in this troubled economic world for the media.We first saw the item in a wire story posted on Frank Macek's "Director's Cut" blog for his employer, Gannett's NBC affiliate in Cleveland, WKYC/3.But the … [Read more...]


Time Warner HD

Here at OMW, it's definitely one of our most Frequently Asked Questions:When is the local Time Warner Cable operation in Northeast Ohio going to add more HD channels?OMW readers are a well-informed bunch, as a rule. They know that satellite providers have added a number of HD channels over the past year or so. They know other cable systems - even those owned by Time Warner, like the Columbus-based Mid-Ohio system - have added many more channels.(To be fair, not only is the Mid-Ohio system … [Read more...]


A Mess Of Cable Changes

Every once in a while, we dip into the legal programming notices section of Time Warner Cable's website, where the company has to disclose some upcoming changes without shouting them from the rooftops.The list currently up for TWC's Northeast Ohio service area is long, complex and detailed.But...what looks innocuous on the legal notice could well develop into a problem not many anticipated.The notice includes what most usually think is "boilerplate" language about the potential loss of carriage … [Read more...]


Big Ten Network, Time Warner Finally Reach Deal

The Big Ten Network and Time Warner Cable have reached "an agreement-in-principle" to clear the network on TWC's expanded basic tier, along with providing high definition and video-on-demand Big Ten Network offerings.A joint statement between the two entities was released late Monday. Time Warner is the dominant cable provider in Ohio, serving over 2 million customers and nearly all of the state's major metropolitan areas.The "pending" pact means TWC will be able to carry this coming weekend's … [Read more...]


Monday Changes

UPDATE 8/25/08 6:28 PM: Toledo NBC affiliate WNWO/24 reports that it has granted another extension to Buckeye Cablevision, which will keep the station on cable through September 10th as negotiations continue...------------If you look closely, you'll notice a very slight change in our appearance.We've been putting it off here at the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm), but we finally decided to drag our old template into the new Blogger layout system. We're still tweaking some things, but this will allow us … [Read more...]


Monday Menu

UPDATE 8:46 AM 8/11/08: It turns out our reader was onto something about the absence of "Valentine" from the WAKS/96.5 "Kiss FM" website.The station is now promoting its new morning show, set to begin airing August 25th. "Elvis Duran and the Kiss FM Morning Show" will air from its home base at Clear Channel top 40 WHTZ/100.3 in the New York City market - the legendary "Z100" - part of its mounting syndication effort.Duran first expanded his reach when Miami's "Y100" picked up the show...which … [Read more...]


Monday Updates And Corrections

We're just going off on a tangent or three here, and there may not be any connecting thread. This is just stuff that's been piling up in the Collective Mind here at the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm)...SANE: Not really much to update here, but it appears the announcement of the arrival of incoming VP/general manager Victoria Regan at Scripps ABC affiliate WEWS/5 Cleveland was well received.OMW hears that when announcing her appointment at 3001 Euclid, Scripps bosses used the word "sane" more than once … [Read more...]


Loose Ends For A Friday

Fridays seem like just the time to clear up loose ends before the, here we are!NOT YET FOR ALL: Though it appears that Time Warner Cable has flipped around its digital cable channel lineups for the bulk of its Northeast Ohio customers, there are apparently some yet to be converted.We're basing this on our own anecdotal evidence, but the former Adelphia/Western Reserve cluster in northeast Summit County and nearby would appear to be doing without the digital channel realignment - … [Read more...]
