
Holiday Weekend Post

UPDATE 8:33 PM 5/29/10: There's an update to the last story in this item. Please scroll to the bottom of the item for more... ------ Here's an update to get you through Memorial Day weekend... LOST UPDATE: First, an update on Channel 5's problems with the series finale of ABC's "Lost", parts of which were, well, lost to area viewers last Sunday night. As we noted on our original item, the Scripps-owned local ABC affiliate was able to convince the network to allow it to rerun the show before … [Read more...]


Supersized Update

As promised, here's our update that spans all over the map, and with updates on just about every subject area we cover. How big is it? Let's just put it this way...we're lucky Blogger doesn't charge at all, let alone by the kilobyte...WVPX HD: Put on hold by Ion Media Networks' bankruptcy a while back, the HD upgrade at Ion's local owned-and-operated station is complete.Over-air viewers of Akron-licensed WVPX/23 are now seeing an HD feed on 23.1, and viewers of Time Warner Cable will get the … [Read more...]


Unloading The Pile

Our stack of unfinished items has gotten so large, we're not sure we can fit it in one update. But... we'll try, working backwards from the present...and we could have another update soon, as we're not sure we have everything out of the backlog file yet...ROMIGH IN: As previously posted on our Twitter account, Clear Channel talk WKBN/570 Youngstown has made fill-in Mike Romigh, the former CBS Radio talk KDKA/1020 Pittsburgh host, its new permanent morning drive host.Quoting Clear Channel … [Read more...]


Shakeups And Awards

IMPORTANT UPDATE: - 7/22/09 7:35 AM: OMW has received some new information calling the accuracy of the first part of this report into question. We have removed that portion of the report, which cited financial-related rumblings linked to the CBS Radio cluster and its employees in Cleveland.In addition, though it appears the rest of the item is accurate, it may have taken place a little less recently than believed...a few weeks ago, as opposed to in the past few days.At OMW, we're the first to … [Read more...]


Gazette Consolidation Response

Our earlier item on the conslidation between the co-owned Medina County Gazette and the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram got a lot of response.But we've now received a "letter to the editor" from Chronicle-Telegram managing editor Julie Wallace, and we've given her the opportunity to respond directly in a new item...------------------I would like to comment on the merger of the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram and the Medina Gazette.Earlier this month, we – as in, Lorain County Printing and Publishing Co., … [Read more...]


Thursday’s Here

We've been in one of those writing moods...where we put everything in one daily bag. And it continues...PAUL HARVEY'S NON-REPLACEMENTS: ABC Radio Network has announced the names of the two men who will not replace Paul Harvey.We say that because conventional wisdom would tell us that the late commentator, who passed away Saturday in Arizona at the age of 90, won't actually be replaced permanently.But ABC Radio says the network's Gil Gross and Doug Limerick will provide feeds in the former Paul … [Read more...]
