Time once again to go through the legal media files. We'll start with the most recent news... ROVER AND HOWARD: Clear Channel rock/talk WMMS/100.7 syndicated morning doggie Rover is mounting his defense over charges related to an arrest by an off-duty Cleveland police officer, after French was launching fireworks late last Independence Day night at a local yacht club. And Shane French has called another big name in radio to the stand in his upcoming trail. One of the very biggest, in … [Read more...]

Gazette Consolidation Response
Posted on March 26, 2009 · Leave a Comment
Our earlier item on the conslidation between the co-owned Medina County Gazette and the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram got a lot of response.But we've now received a "letter to the editor" from Chronicle-Telegram managing editor Julie Wallace, and we've given her the opportunity to respond directly in a new item...------------------I would like to comment on the merger of the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram and the Medina Gazette.Earlier this month, we – as in, Lorain County Printing and Publishing Co., … [Read more...]