We're back, and there's not really any earth-shattering news about media in our coverage area...Yet.While we throw that out there, let's pick up the pieces on this Monday...MORE ON THE HD SIDE: We sifted through Time Warner Cable Northeast Ohio's "Programming Notices" page last month, informing you of new additions the company has to publicize as part of legal notices it runs in area newspapers.There's another wave there now, listed for next month:The following changes are planned on or after … [Read more...]

We’re Still Here
A combination of Other Stuff and Life Intervening, along with some Unscheduled Turbulence, has kept us away from the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) for longer than we'd expected.Not all of that has gone away, but for now, we're back...THE ALL HD CAVALIERS: It wasn't that long ago that viewers hoping to see HDTV broadcasts of local sports teams had to sift through a small list of selected games.And the NBA Cleveland Cavaliers were showing as few as 7 games in HD format via Fox Sports Ohio as recently as … [Read more...]

CVNP Gets The TV Treatment
One of Northeast Ohio's most vital natural resources is getting the full TV treatment in a new documentary premiering this weekend on Western Reserve PBS (WNEO/45 Alliance - WEAO/49 Akron)...called "Generations: Cuyahoga Valley National Park".A description of the show from its website:Discover the story of Ohio’s only national park when Western Reserve PBS presents its new one-hour documentary, Generations: Cuyahoga Valley National Park.Generations tells the story of the park’s natural wonders … [Read more...]

Grab A Snack, It’s A Big Stack
When we "come back" from a hiatus, even if it's only a brief one lasting just a couple of days, we find out what anyone coming back from vacation learns. The work continues to pile up, and doesn't go away because you're not minding the inbox.So, with that in mind...here we go...."THE BSK" RECOVERING: Our sincere, best wishes for a speedy recovery for a long-time Cleveland sports media personality.OMW hears that Kendall Lewis, the former WKNR sports talker also known as "The Big Sports Kahuna" … [Read more...]

An E-mail from an OMW reader far from Parma sent us sprinting to our nearest digital TV, and yes, it's true...After a wait of many years, the full-power WVIZ-DT facility has made its first appearance.At the OMW World Headquarters, about 20 air miles from the Parma antenna farm, WVIZ-DT is providing a strong signal into our 2nd floor HDTV being fed by an indoor amplified antenna. It's also an easy catch on our Zenith converter box feeding a downstairs TV.And the reader who tipped us off to … [Read more...]

A Busy DTV Week
We've reached the point of no return in regards to the digital TV transition. And at this point, even a member of Congress wildly waving hands and laying down on the DTV Track won't stop the end of full-power analog TV in the United States, by the end of the day this Friday.Yep...THIS Friday.Read the entire article at our Ohio Digital TV blog... … [Read more...]

We hadn't diligently watched ideastream PBS affiliate WVIZ/25's application to run its post-transition power level before the June 12th transition, one week from Friday.As it turns out, the Special Temporary Authority request was quickly approved by the FCC on May 29th.(We guess we're not used to the FCC or any other government agency processing digital paperwork that quickly.)That means whenever WVIZ-DT's new antenna is mounted on the tower it will share with WKYC-DT, the station will be able … [Read more...]

One TV, One Radio
One quick hit for TV, one for radio...WKYC DIGITAL: From the ODTV side of OMW, a bit about Gannett NBC affiliate WKYC/3 Cleveland's new facility.As if drawn by a giant magnet to Broadview Road in Parma, the OMW/ODTV Mobile took another trip up to the tower that will soon hold antennas for WKYC-DT (RF 17) and ideastream PBS affiliate WVIZ-DT (RF 26).Why, this time, again?Our inbox was peppered Tuesday with questions from folks who were having trouble picking up the current WKYC-DT (RF 2) … [Read more...]

Time Warner’s May HDTV Channel Wave
The latest group of new HDTV channels has arrived in most local Time Warner Cable service areas in Northeast Ohio.OMW readers report that the HD versions of the Golf Channel. CNN, FX, Fox News Channel, and Science Channel have shown up as of earlier today. Digital Basic subscribers should also have the HD version of the National Geographic Channel.By tomorrow, HD Tier subscribers should see the history-oriented Smithsonian Channel, and Mav TV.To the best of our understanding, the channels are … [Read more...]

TWC HDTV Request
OMW would like to know if any readers are still experiencing various glitches related to the rollout of new HD channels in Time Warner Cable's Northeast Ohio footprint.This request is only for those in areas which have already received the most recent set of channels released to areas with Switched Digital Video (SDV) activated, who have seen such issues as channel breakup or audio with no video.Please tell us where you live (city/community), and which part of the TWC system you are in...legacy … [Read more...]