After weeks of promising Christmas music next week via a countdown on its website, CBS Radio Cleveland AC powerhouse WDOK/102.1 couldn't resist opening its presents early.Numerous OMW readers alerted us that "SoftRock 102.1" turned on the holiday music this morning, three days before the end of the online countdown.Sure enough, the station - both on-air and online - is playing the seasonal music, and promoting itself as "Cleveland's Holiday Music Station".And if Salem CCM WFHM/95.5 "The Fish" is … [Read more...]

No, You Can’t Get The Flu From Us
Like a lot of other Northeast Ohioans, your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) is forced to admit that we have SOME sort of illness.We've slept most of the past two days, and have invoked the OMW Medical Staff to help figure this out for us.We know that the usual instructions involve plenty of rest, and plenty of liquids, but don't usually outline plenty of updates to a, we've been tending to Offline Life(tm) most of the time.As far as we know, we do NOT have the H1N1 or "swine" flu - that … [Read more...]

Random Tuesday Stuff
Some items kicking around the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm)'s storage bin...HSFB IN HD: The good folks at SportsTime Ohio have passed along their coverage plans for this coming weekend's Ohio High School Athletic Association high school football championships.And the schedule of six games includes three that will be broadcast in HD format:11/28 11:00am Div. VI - Delphos St. John's vs Bascom Hopewell-Loudon11/28 3:00pm Div. IV - HD - Steubenville vs. Kettering Archbishop Alter11/28 7:00pm Div. II - … [Read more...]

Out Of The Chute
UPDATE 11/17/08 9:50 PM: Two alert readers with the ability to pick up Youngstown market stations tell us that Clear Channel classic hits WBBG/106.1 Niles "Big 106.1" flipped to holiday tunes late last week. We've confirmed the switch by going to the station's website, and listening online.The station is now positioning for the season as "Youngstown-Warren's Christmas Music Channel"...-----------...for a Monday, with some newsy and some random items. Or maybe the title should be "Down The … [Read more...]