
Some TV Quickies

The first is something that's already happening...the other is one that's likely to happen soon...IN PLACE: WEWS/5 "NewsChannel 5"'s lineup for "Good Morning Cleveland" is finally in place, as new co-host Kimberly Gill joins Paul Kiska this week, along with Jack "Air" Marschall, Susanne Horgan and Tricia Skidmore.Gill has been doing some field reporting since she arrived in Cleveland.The show's lineup has been in what seemed like permanent flux after the departure of personalities like Adam … [Read more...]


A Lot For A Monday

It's a pretty full breakfast plate for us on a Monday morning. Hmm, we're getting hungry...MORE ON THE WNIR MORNING DRIVE OPENING: Though we'd mentioned that the full-week auditions for the open chair on Akron market talk WNIR/100.1's morning drive show were slowing down, we heard another "auditioner" last week sitting alongside Stan Piatt, Jim Midock and Steve French.Near the end of the program, which is pretty much nearly all of what we'd heard, Piatt made it clear - on the air - that the … [Read more...]


Something To Write About

UPDATED! See below...--------We've been quiet here at the OMW ranch for a couple of days, but mostly because we haven't had much to write about. We've found enough...THIS JUST IN: An alert OMW reader tips below that Good Karma sports WKNR/850 "ESPN 850" in Cleveland has signed up to be the home of the American Hockey League's Lake Erie Monsters.Here's the blurb on Lake Erie Monsters and WKNR announced on Wednesday that ESPN 850 WKNR will be the exclusive radio home for … [Read more...]


Monday Pile

And, welcome to Monday!We've been trying to bring up items separately, lately, but we'll do our usual "all-in-one" for this edition...BIG TEN CRUNCH TIME: That light at the end of the tunnel for those hoping for local cable carriage of the new "Big Ten Network" could be that of an oncoming deadline train instead.The "hope" came in an item in the Columbus Dispatch, where BTN honchos were doing last minute pitching to local media outlets in the days before the network's scheduled to launch on … [Read more...]


And Tuesday

Here we are, for once, for a second day in a row. Feels like old times, no?TOLEDO'S HOME OF THE BROWNS: nowhere, at least on the radio.Some non-radio friends confirmed to us that no Toledo radio station carried the Cleveland Browns' pre-season win over the Kansas City Chiefs over last weekend. Not WTOD/1560, nor any other Cumulus or Clear Channel stations, or...anyone.And radio sources in the market say the situation is bleak for expecting any station to swoop in and carry the Browns … [Read more...]


BREAKING NEWS: WKYC Names New News Director

Gannett Cleveland NBC affiliate WKYC/3 has officially named a news director.WKYC senior director Frank Macek's "Director's Cut" blog alerts us that acting news director Rita Andolsen, who was assistant news director under now-former ND Mike McCormick, takes the top news job on a permanent basis.After McCormick left "Channel 3 News", he landed at WPMI in Mobile AL.We'd heard rumblings of other possible news director candidates at 13th and Lakeside over the past few months.But from what we've … [Read more...]



There's not really much "out there" right now...but we felt the need to clear up the week's agenda...WEATHER SET: In our continuing, 50-part, in-depth series on WJW/8 "FOX 8 News"' new news set...OMW hears that Dick Goddard, Andre Bernier and the gang will soon get a new "weather center", if it hasn't happened already. For now, the FOX 8 weather folks have been camping out outside, or in front of a green screen.But we hear that the set won't be all that different from the alcove that the … [Read more...]


No Officials Day

A lot of things you see on local TV news are somehow driven by a consultant's recommendation, or some sort of concerted effort by management to tweak the station's image, or correct perceived problems with the station.You should keep that in mind when watching WEWS/5's newscasts today.OMW hears that today, Thursday, has been proclaimed "No Officials Day" in the newsroom at "NewsChannel 5".What does that mean?Our sources tell us that news staffers at 3001 Euclid have been told not to use any … [Read more...]


Just Falling Together

Sometimes, before we expect to publish one of these items, we wonder if enough news will be available to us to put up a post.And then, it just happens...ANOTHER HIRE ON EUCLID AVENUE: Though it appears to be no closer to solving its sports problem, Scripps ABC affiliate WEWS/5 "NewsChannel 5" in Cleveland has tapped a permanent co-anchor for "Good Morning Cleveland".OMW hears that the station is bringing aboard Kimberly Gill, who's been morning anchor at Media General CBS affiliate WBTW/13 in … [Read more...]


Quick Thursday Hits

We're back, after a brief pause, with some new items...ANCHOR "ACTION": No, it doesn't involve WOIO/19 "19 Action News"' most controversial anchor, who was reported to be looking at a gig in Houston earlier. There's no word on that subject yet.But we once again tip the hat to the folks at a popular TV news/gossip site for this item involving the Cleveland CBS affiliate.NewsBlues reports that Tiffani Tucker, a "reporter and fill-in anchor" for FOX affiliate WSVN/7 Miami, is heading to Reserve … [Read more...]
