
Tuesday’s Full Basket

It's a pretty random, but important, collection of items in our basket on Tuesday morning...OH, AND BY THE WAY, THE PD: The news of the impending end of another American newspaper had everyone buzzing Monday, including your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm).Oh, by the way, employees of the Northeast Ohio sister paper of the Ann Arbor News took a budget hit Monday as well.Shortly after we took ourselves out of the media news stream to attend to Real Life, the Cleveland Plain Dealer announced its own latest … [Read more...]


There Goes Another Newspaper

It seems like these days, we're passing along word of a newspaper dying about once every two days or so.While this one isn't local, it has Northeast Ohio ties.Readers won't be able to pick up the Ann Arbor News from newsstands or their doorsteps in that Michigan city after July, as the 174-year-old paper will (mostly) shut down its presses.Echoing the now-dead Dead Trees edition of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Ann Arbor News owner Booth Newspapers will replace the paper with "a Web-based, … [Read more...]


Some Other Monday Stuff

We were going to do our usual Monday "mix" item, but the previous entry got a bit larger than we expected.So, here's the rest of the "mix"...NEWS HITS HOME: We've noted a few occasions where a local news organization either becomes the story, or is directly affected by it.Among other items: recently, Raycom Media CBS affiliate WOIO/19-MyNet affiliate WUAB/43 saw a high profile killing just across the street from their main entrance at Reserve Square in downtown Cleveland, at Perk Park. The same … [Read more...]


Northeast Ohio Papers Consolidate

We actually hinted at this weeks ago, but we've finally picked up some of the details on a story that's been buzzing around the local media rumor mill like a supercharged insect.OMW hears that two co-owned Northeast Ohio newspapers have officially merged their day-to-day operations - as the Lorain County Publishing-owned Medina County Gazette is now being operated out of the company's print mothership, the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram.Sources tell us that the new arrangement started March 3, with … [Read more...]


From Soup To Nuts

Well, OK...from broadcast (mainly television) to print, from broadcast to's our latest midweek contribution...REMEMBERING TOM: Your Primary Editorial Voice(tm) has been without full-fledged Internet access for much of the past 24 hours, so we had to resort to posting-by-E-mail for our item on the death of former WKYC/3 personality Tom Haley on Tuesday.We'll confess to once being a regular viewer of WKYC's "Today in Cleveland", the folksy and friendly morning news show that used to … [Read more...]


From Satellite To Print

NOTE: If you already read this item shortly after it came out this morning, scroll down for some updates, which are appropriately marked...We put our items into the OMW Blender this Tuesday, and come up with a decent mix...THE BIG ONE MINUS XM: Now, you can only hear Clear Channel talk WLW/700 Cincinnati in your car if you're in its 50,000 watt AM signal range.The larger-than-life original "Big One" lost its claim to once again being "The Nation's Station" (give or take the Internet) Friday … [Read more...]


Some Mixed News

Let's see where the Tuesday morning item mix takes us...unfortunately, it's mostly not good news...CUTBACKS: The sour economy has resulted in some economic-related cutbacks on Campus Center Drive in Kent.That's the home of Western Reserve PBS, the local public TV outlet which operates WNEO/45 Alliance and WEAO/49 Akron, which is making some financial moves to try to ensure economic stability in an economy that's forced pretty much every media outlet to make some hard choices.Quoting a news … [Read more...]


Another Friday Mix

It looks like another Friday mix as we close out the week, though we could have another piece of news later today.And no, "Mix" doesn't mean we're going to put up a computerized female voice announcing songs...PRINT WOES: As the rumor mill buzzes about yet another round of job cuts said to be in the works at one Northeast Ohio newspaper publisher, yet another major daily newspaper has printed its final edition.Denver is a one newspaper town after today, as the very last edition of the Rocky … [Read more...]


An Odd Wednesday

And considering the events of this week, "odd" may be an understatement.Yeah, we're tiring rather rapidly of listing those tossed aside from the Good Ship Radio this week. For the moment, we'll lead with something not related to job loss...THE ANALOG SHUFFLE: When local television stations figure out how they'll deal with cable systems and signal carriage, they have basically two choices.Broadcasters can either demand "retransmission consent", which means they get some consideration (monetary, … [Read more...]


A Snowy Update

As local TV weather forecasters predict anywhere from 4, to 10, to 250 inches of snow for Northeast Ohio this weekend, what else do you have to do but read this Snowbound Week-Ending OMW update?We've stocked up on the'll have enough here to last you through the snowy weekend. And we're only kidding about that "250" number above. It only seems like it...WEOL EXIT: We have few details, but we hear that Elyria-Lorain Broadcasting talk WEOL/930 Elyria has parted ways with … [Read more...]
