As usually happens when we go "on hiatus" here at your Mighty Blog of Fun(tm), media news happens. It's an indisputable Law of OMW...if we push away the keyboard, the flood comes in, and that's already the case this time around.So, though we're still trying to "stay away", let's briefly expand on the two items that we've popped onto our Twitter feed.And again, you don't even have to access our page directly...they show up over there to the left of the main scroll here. Just keep watching that … [Read more...]

They Meant Toledo Radio
With the hat tip to long-time friend and colleague Scott Fybush and this week's Radio Journal, we're passing along word that the Toledo market could be getting a new FM radio station.The proposed move-in is no surprise: BAS Broadcasting AC WPFX-FM/107.7 North Baltimore has filed with the FCC to move to a very Luckey city of license. (Sorry, Scott...we couldn't resist the pun, either.)Luckey, Ohio, that is...and a quick look at the map puts that small town just north of Pemberville in extreme … [Read more...]

Outside Our Area, But…
Occasionally, we feature items from outside the main OMW Coverage Area...but with comments relating the items to things that could happen here. This is one of those collections...SMOOTH JAZZ LOSES ANOTHER: The ailing smooth jazz format has lost another big city outlet.This time, it's CBS Radio's WVMV/98.7 Detroit, which stopped playing smooth jazz Friday. After a bit of weekend stunting, it's carrying one of CBS' current pet formats - top 40, under the moniker "98.7 AMP Radio".That's the same … [Read more...]

Monday Followup
We're back, and there's not really any earth-shattering news about media in our coverage area...Yet.While we throw that out there, let's pick up the pieces on this Monday...MORE ON THE HD SIDE: We sifted through Time Warner Cable Northeast Ohio's "Programming Notices" page last month, informing you of new additions the company has to publicize as part of legal notices it runs in area newspapers.There's another wave there now, listed for next month:The following changes are planned on or after … [Read more...]

Disjointed, But Here
You may notice that we're trying out some new things, and new ways of updating the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm).Just bear with we're testing how these new methods work in practice. For the nonce, you could well see Twitter-style mini-updates in the main OMW stream for a below...HAILING COLUMBUS: OMW hears that the new Central Ohio 102.5 signal, licensed to Baltimore OH, has apparently made its move to the new facility intended on serving the Columbus market.An OMW reader on … [Read more...]

We’re Still Here
A combination of Other Stuff and Life Intervening, along with some Unscheduled Turbulence, has kept us away from the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) for longer than we'd expected.Not all of that has gone away, but for now, we're back...THE ALL HD CAVALIERS: It wasn't that long ago that viewers hoping to see HDTV broadcasts of local sports teams had to sift through a small list of selected games.And the NBA Cleveland Cavaliers were showing as few as 7 games in HD format via Fox Sports Ohio as recently as … [Read more...]

Grab A Snack, It’s A Big Stack
When we "come back" from a hiatus, even if it's only a brief one lasting just a couple of days, we find out what anyone coming back from vacation learns. The work continues to pile up, and doesn't go away because you're not minding the inbox.So, with that in we go...."THE BSK" RECOVERING: Our sincere, best wishes for a speedy recovery for a long-time Cleveland sports media personality.OMW hears that Kendall Lewis, the former WKNR sports talker also known as "The Big Sports Kahuna" … [Read more...]

Two Assorted Items
We've just been hanging onto these for a while...ACCIDENTAL, BUT GOOD, EXPOSURE: We spent part of Tuesday evening catching the Monday return of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart", faithfully recorded by our TiVo.We didn't know until we went into the recording that Jon's guest for his first show back from a three week vacation was Akron's own mega sports superstar, the NBA Cleveland Cavaliers' own LeBron James.LeBron's been on with Stewart before, but something caught our eye in … [Read more...]

Brian And Joe Back – Sort Of – And So’s Marty
Some local radio veterans now on "the beach" are plotting their next move.Local morning drive radio mainstays Brian Fowler and Joe Cronauer were unceremoniously dumped from their long-time spot on Clear Channel Cleveland hot AC WMVX/106.5 "Mix 106.5" in late April, part of a nationwide job purge by the San Antonio-based radio giant.The duo had to ride out a Clear Channel non-compete, which expired September 1st."Brian and Joe" aren't back on the radio just yet, but they've found a microphone. … [Read more...]