
Of Jimbo, Frogs and Love

That's "Love" as in "K-Love", and "Frogs" as in amphibian radio and TV symbols...MORE JIMBO: Former Youngstown-area congressman Jim Traficant could probably scratch his nose at this point, and he'd dominate media coverage...covering which direction he scratched, and at what time, and where.In our last item, OMW visited the possibility that Traficant could wind up doing something on the air at Clear Channel talk WKBN/570 in his home market.Though we'd earlier downplayed the prospect, Clear … [Read more...]


Jim’s A Free Man, But A Radio Man?

As noted in an earlier item, an iconic and controversial Mahoning Valley political figure is headed back to the Youngstown area."Beam him up"...the one and only James A. Traficant, former Congressman, released felon, has his post-prison life ahead of him starting today. The Youngstown Vindicator notes that he's not expected to show up at his suburban Poland home until the weekend, after a "short vacation", but today is his official date of release.His supporters in the Youngstown area have … [Read more...]


All Over The Map

It's a typical Monday, as we let items free that need their freedom...GOING DOWN: It's no surprise to anyone who follows population figures, but the folks at Nielsen Media Research have announced that the Cleveland TV market continues to lose position in its market rankings.From the TV ratings giant's release:The Top 10 local markets, known in the industry as Designated Market Areas or DMAs, will remain the same this season, with a few rank changes in the Top 20. Moving up are Seattle, from 14 … [Read more...]


Friday Followup

And heading into a Friday, some followups...and one more item...QUICK EXIT: Thursday morning, we reported that Clear Channel Cleveland market manager Mike Kenney was packing his bags and heading to North Carolina. It'd been officially announced, just an hour or so before our post, that Kenney would take over the market manager post at Clear Channel's Charlotte cluster.Back in Cleveland, it was "promotion from within" at Oak Tree, with Gary Mincer taking over as market manager, and George Allen … [Read more...]


Joe The Talk Show Host

There had been some recent speculation that a name from the 2008 presidential campaign was eyeing a possible career in talk radio.But enough about now-former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. This isn't about her.The Northwest Ohio man forever immortalized on the 2008 campaign trail as "Joe The Plumber" is making an attempt to become "Joe The Talk Show Host" in his local radio market.The Toledo Blade reports that Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, known to the entire world as "Joe The Plumber", could have a … [Read more...]


Mostly Sports Stuff

Our item this afternoon is full of mostly sports-related stuff, and starts with something that could turn into something bigger...WITHER CHUCK?: When Clear Channel talk WTAM/1100 Cleveland afternoon drive host Mike Trivisonno took a few days off after the tragic death of his long-time wife Linda, regular Triv sub Chuck Galeti dropped in to cover for the WTAM host.Galeti has been the weekend sports anchor for a certain Cleveland market CBS affiliate, known legally to the FCC as WOIO(TV) Shaker … [Read more...]


Triv’s Return

Clear Channel talk WTAM/1100 Cleveland afternoon drive host Mike Trivisonno had a difficult task today.Just five days after he lost his wife, Linda, to cancer, Triv took to the WTAM airwaves, and admitted that he "is not good at grieving" in a subdued...but very noting that he's not sure he's going to "stay in radio", he took calls from listeners offering condolences, or perhaps more importantly at this point, offering small diversions to get the host's mind off of the … [Read more...]


Shakeups And Awards

IMPORTANT UPDATE: - 7/22/09 7:35 AM: OMW has received some new information calling the accuracy of the first part of this report into question. We have removed that portion of the report, which cited financial-related rumblings linked to the CBS Radio cluster and its employees in Cleveland.In addition, though it appears the rest of the item is accurate, it may have taken place a little less recently than believed...a few weeks ago, as opposed to in the past few days.At OMW, we're the first to … [Read more...]


Radio Bombshells To Our East

Tuesday was a big, big day for announced radio changes to the east of Ohio. do they affect us?Or, do they? Read on....To start, CBS Radio officially unveiled the next two stops on its FM Sports Radio Express. All aboard, Washington DC (July 20th) and Boston (August 13th)!The DC sports flip announcement is almost an anti-climax. Everyone from Dave Hughes' to the Washington Post's Paul Farhi has been reporting the rumored/conirmed change of talk WJFK/106.7 to sports ("106.7 … [Read more...]


Ashland AM To Get Talking

We actually have had this one for a while, but figured we'd put it up when it appeared on the AllAccess Net News scroll. (The fine folks at AllAccess don't have the digital TV transition in their workload, after all. Heh.)Yes, Clear Channel standards/soft AC WNCO/1340 Ashland is changing to a talk format, featuring a lineup that does not duplicate sister news/talk WMAN/1400 Mansfield.While WMAN carries shows like Premiere's Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Coast to Coast AM, "Mid-Ohio's Talk … [Read more...]
