After much talk, mostly by your Primary Editorial Voice(tm), we've implemented the first change in our comment policy.As of today, comments will be open for approximately 24 hours, then will be closed without regard to the topic being discussed. It'll be an automatic policy for us, no matter what.Comments on topics not having to do with the original item or related topics will be also deleted, at our discretion.We've closed comments on all recent items before this - everything on our front page … [Read more...]

OMW Policy Statement
Posted on March 4, 2007 · Leave a Comment
While we're working on other items, and for the record...OMW has an official policy regarding our oft-threatened-to-be-canned comments section, which was thisclose to being closed today. (OK, so maybe we were a bit miffed that we had to take time out of our personal, non-media related activities today to take care of this.)Comments unearthing private information not intended for public consumption, in an attempt to attack someone, will be deleted.This includes, but is not limited to, the … [Read more...]