And they said this thing would never last. But yes, after ten years passing along news and musings about media in Northeast Ohio, the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) is hitting the road. Like the brand "19 Action News", we're gone. In our "housekeeping" department: the Ohio Media Watch domain was recently renewed, and is valid through next July. At some point in the next week or so, we'll put up a post with various links...and at some point down the road, we may redirect this domain name … [Read more...]

Past And Future, Part One
A lengthy, unannounced hiatus here at the Mighty Blog of Fun(tm) caused speculation throughout the Northeast Ohio media industry - or, at least, the part of that industry that reads this site. You know what happens when rumors and speculation run rampant in radio and television...sometimes it's true, sometimes, it's not true. We don't know who runs it, but a Twitter account that has tried to fill the "lack of information" gap in area media news stated that he/she/they believed that we were … [Read more...]

The Domain Is Back
If you are reading this, the domain has been restored, at least for you. Thank you to long-time personal and professional Friend of OMW Scott Fybush for his help in that process...and thank you to RadioInsight's Lance Venta for keeping things purring behind the scenes...even if none of you could get here due to the domain problems. The domain actually expired a few days ago. We have been on a lengthy, unannounced hiatus...and frankly, just weren't paying attention to … [Read more...]

Controversy, Exits And Entrances
In which a swirl of controversy envelopes radio and TV personalities...some of it significant, some of it not... HE'S GONE: When David Oliver became now-former chief of the Brimfield Police Department, we noted that as far as we knew, he still had his part-time job as a weekend radio host at Media-Com talk WNIR/100.1 "The Talk of Akron". After all, his employment there didn't depend on being chief of a small town Portage County police force. But Oliver's unceremonious exit from that … [Read more...]

Happy Holidays
There is one news item here (stay tuned!), this is mostly a note to let readers know that we are officially taking a Holiday Hiatus. Our news item is brief, and involves local TV. Denise Polverine, long-time Editor in Chief/Director of Digital Operations for Ohio Media Group, is making the jump to broadcast TV. Starting January 5th, she'll be taking her talents to 13th and Lakeside, where she'll be assistant news director at Gannett NBC affiliate … [Read more...]

OMW Is Powered By…
We may have mentioned once or twice that in addition to Life Intervening(tm), there have been other obstacles to updating this report on a regular basis. Namely, what has been the Official OMW Computer, an aging Windows XP box that we're pretty sure is powered by steam and held together by bailing wire, string and gum. On occasion, its screen would turn blue and it would stop working. Not anymore. Thanks to a long-time OMW reader, we're outfitted with a decent laptop of much more recent … [Read more...]

Unloading Before The Holidays
This doesn't necessarily mean that we're going on The H Word through the end of 2013. But, a lot of items have piled up, so here we go! MORE 5 CHANGES: In TV news, the phrase "nothing is more constant than change" is certainly true. But at 3001 Euclid, the folks at Scripps ABC affiliate WEWS/5's "NewsChannel 5" could adopt the phrase as a motto. The station's low-rated "Good Morning Cleveland" has undergone a host of changes since this blog debuted in 2005. Now, the "NewsChannel … [Read more...]

A Quick Note…
OMW may be a bit slow for a while. Our site is hosted on the servers of our content partners, RadioInsight. That site is being swamped, as the site closed abruptly today. The site performance should improve soon, and our friend Lance Venta at RadioInsight is working on it. A reminder: The RadioInsight Community Cleveland Forum is now the official forum of OMW...and you can reach RadioInsight Community from the link at the right hand side of this blog. We should … [Read more...]

Our New Look
Effective immediately, Ohio Media Watch is moving to a site hosted under our domain name: This will be the last post on click the link above and, as we hinted earlier, bookmark it for use in the future. OMW is moving to a self-hosted site, and off of the free platform. We're still using WordPress on the new site, just not their hosting side. There are many reasons we are doing this. Our goal, in the end, will be a site still … [Read more...]

The Move
As explained below, for now, all Ohio Media Watch activity will take place on our social media presence (Twitter/Facebook). The domain is forwarding to our Twitter page, which you can see here: As a reminder and clarification, you do NOT HAVE TO JOIN TWITTER to read that page. There is a sign in link and a "Follow" area, but you can just ignore them if you aren't on Twitter, or don't want to be on Twitter. Just read the page that comes … [Read more...]