Our apologies to Cleveland Plain Dealer media columnist Julie Washington for the first item below.And for that matter, to ourselves, for looking so out of touch in front of all of you.Ms. Washington's Sunday column apparently covered Mr. Duncan's departure from WERE/1490.We say "apparently", because the online version at Cleveland.com has a glitch that doesn't allow one to go past the story on NBC's Brian Williams doing his broadcast from Cleveland this week. Scroll to the bottom, and tell us … [Read more...]
What We’re Not
OMW gets a lot of E-Mail.We'd estimate that roughly two dozen items come through our E-Mail account every day. And that's not including copies of blog comments - which used to be a lot more.Some folks seem confused about who we are, and why they're writing to us. We're a blog covering local radio, TV and other media, mainly in the Northeast Ohio area, with some forays beyond the Cleveland/Akron/Canton/Youngstown axis.So...here's what we're not.NOT A SHOW: No, we're not a radio show or … [Read more...]
A New Competitor – For Us
Well, we can pretty much blame ourselves.As it turns out, at least on the radio side of things, we apparently have a new "competitor". A trip to a local message board provided us with a link to "Northeast Ohio Radio Report", which just started up on Monday.We'll assume that two recent events - our latest hiatus, and the move to close comments to only registered Google users - prompted the new creation. If we may take the liberty of quoting the site:Yes, the comments sections are open, and we … [Read more...]
Apology And Policy Change
Before we hit the policy change...It's almost as much a part of the blog as the news items, it seems...our regular complaints about how the comments section here at OMW gets out of hand, and occasional threats that we'll remove said comments area because of it.This time, it was your very own Primary Editorial Voice(tm) who got out of hand, with a caustic reply to an anonymous reader who apparently wasn't very excited by news of the official approval of the sale of a Youngstown TV station.Whoever … [Read more...]
The H Word
Yep, it's that time...due to various Real Life Issues(tm), OMW is going on hiatus (AIIIIII!!!) for now.We have no idea when this report will resume updating on a regular basis, but we'll try to be here for any major, breaking media news - i.e. station format changes, sales, or major personality or anchor shakeups.So, keep checking in...just don't expect the usual update cycle.And no, don't worry 'bout us...we're fine. It's just time to go off into the Outside World for a while... … [Read more...]
Second Anniversary
We made a comment on an earlier item that our "second anniversary" has passed already.On June 26, 2005, what started as a series of message board posts turned into this little blog. We call it, jokingly, the "Mighty Blog of Fun(tm)", which played off of a quip from a regular reader.We had absolutely no idea what would happen in the following two years.Since those humble beginnings, where the link to OMW got passed around between message board types and their friends, we can now honestly say … [Read more...]
We’re Still Here
Due to circumstances beyond our control, OMW will operate on a sporadic update schedule until further notice.This basically means that our readers should not expect our usual daily (or more than daily) updates.We will try to put items up when possible, and will do our best to post major, breaking news as soon as possible. (e.g. the WJW/FOX sale item just below this one, or other significant items involving local media)So, please, keep checking, but don't be surprised if we're not around for a … [Read more...]
We’re Still Here
OMW publishes as frequently as possible, given news events in the local media world, and the schedule of your Primary Editorial Voice(tm).So, this is not an official "hiatus" announcement - if it had been, the attention signal you just heard in your head would have been followed by more hallucinations. But we may not be able to get around to updating this report until sometime Tuesday evening.We'll try to post "breaking" media news as soon as possible, and we could be back sooner than … [Read more...]
New Comment Policy
After much talk, mostly by your Primary Editorial Voice(tm), we've implemented the first change in our comment policy.As of today, comments will be open for approximately 24 hours, then will be closed without regard to the topic being discussed. It'll be an automatic policy for us, no matter what.Comments on topics not having to do with the original item or related topics will be also deleted, at our discretion.We've closed comments on all recent items before this - everything on our front page … [Read more...]
OMW Policy Statement
While we're working on other items, and for the record...OMW has an official policy regarding our oft-threatened-to-be-canned comments section, which was thisclose to being closed today. (OK, so maybe we were a bit miffed that we had to take time out of our personal, non-media related activities today to take care of this.)Comments unearthing private information not intended for public consumption, in an attempt to attack someone, will be deleted.This includes, but is not limited to, the … [Read more...]